Spellbound After Midnight by Jenna Collett: Review

Spellbound After Midnight book cover

Spellbound After Midnight

What if Cinderella was murdered? A unique take on a classic fairytale, this book absolutely delighted me! I cannot recommend it enough. It has everything- magic, suspense, romance, and best of all, humor.

Spellbound After Midnight by Jenna Collett is a mystery fantasy romance novel loosely based on the fairytale Cinderella. Except in this story, “Cinderella,” a young peasant girl named Ella, is found drowned in the castle fountain the night of the prince’s ball. And our heroine, Tessa Daniels, is the town witch who granted her the spell for her enchanted dress just hours before. Facing suspicion, bankruptcy, and a guilty conscience, Tessa reluctantly teams up with Royal Detective Derrick Chambers to catch the murderer and help avenge Ella (whose spirit may or may not be haunting her!).

A heroine with a sense of humor

Tessa is one of my favorite heroines I have ever read. The story is first-person POV told from her perspective, and her inner voice is just so funny. Tessa runs a magic shop that has been passed down in her family, and she faces pressure to live up to the amazing witch that her mother was. No matter how hard she tries, her spells always seem to backfire in some way.

Her insecurities and occasional self-deprecating jokes make her relatable, while her quick wit and compassionate nature make her someone you love to see succeed. I enjoyed watching her gain more confidence in herself throughout the investigation. For the first time in her life, she’s found something she can excel at, and with the Derrick’s encouragement, she finally starts to see herself as more than just a failed witch.

“You see me. No one else does, but you do.”

Tessa, p. 313

An unlikely partnership

Speaking of Derrick, Detective Chambers is so swoony. In true enemies-to-lovers fashion, Tessa and Derrick’s first meeting does not go well. He has prejudices against witches due to past personal experiences, and Tessa takes offense to his dismissals and condescending remarks.

But as the story progresses, Tessa’s antics help the straight-laced detective learn to have a bit more fun. Her fresh perspective and experience with magic actually help them find new leads for the case. Derrick begins to question his preconceived notions and realize that Tessa may truly be a valuable asset to the investigation… and also to his life <3

Mystery with a dose of magic

Spellbound After Midnight is a well-written and well-paced murder mystery. There are several major twists, and I did not guess the identity of the murderer until it was revealed. But once it was, it all made sense. So many clues and motives for this individual’s actions throughout the book all fell into place – which is the mark of a good mystery. Also, what’s particularly enjoyable about the investigation is the way Tessa incorporates her magic – using potions and her connection to Ella’s ghost to help her uncover more clues and apprehend new suspects. Her scenes with Ella and with her best friend Vivian, the town medium, are super unique and a fun addition to the story.

A five-star romance

Tessa and Derrick have a slow-burn, opposites-attract, enemies-to-lovers romance that I will never stop raving about. Tessa’s wilder, adventurous side balances out Derrick’s need for rules and structure. They truly bring out the best in one another, and it’s so fun reading about their journey. Their banter from the first moment they meet is so cute. And their love story just becomes more adorable as they start to trust and become more protective of one another – in the face of more murders, blackmail, and “life-threatening” (iykyk :P) knife wounds.

“There’s no one else for me. Explode a hundred pumpkins if you have to, make mistakes. Just make them with me.”

Derrick, p. 329

Read Spellbound After Midnight if you enjoy:

  • A good murder mystery with plenty of twists! 🕵️
  • An adorable enemies-to-lovers romance <3
  • A heroine with the best sense of humor 😀
  • A protective hero (who falls first!) 💙
  • And lots of magic! 🧪✨

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